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As with many Scottish families, there are several possibilities as to the origin of the name. It may be a diminutive of the Anglo-Saxon 'lisse', meaning 'happy'. In Norse it means 'a stirring fellow'. The late Professor Keith Leask of Aberdeen believe.....
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CelticRadio @ 06-24-23 4:28 pm Read: 340400 Com: 0 PaleStreak @ 03-22-22 1:23 pm Read: 2584 Com: 0 PaleStreak @ 08-06-21 10:16 am Read: 2584 Com: 0 Rehan46393 @ 06-24-19 8:02 am Read: 3752 Com: 0 hamzasiddique @ 07-23-18 8:59 am Read: 2765 Com: 0 Shoshannabeth @ 02-15-16 2:11 am Read: 3924 Com: 0
Play Medieval
Our History Database contains an ever growing resource of articles pertaining to medieval times and topics. All articles are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. Here is a preview of our most recent article:
Heraldry in its most general sense encompasses all matters
relating to the duties and responsibilities of officers of arms. To most,
though, heraldry is the practice of designing, displaying, describing, and
recording coats of arms and badges. Historically, it has been variously
described as “the shorthand of history” (Fox-Davies) and “the floral border in
the garden of history” (Moncreiffe & Pottinger). The origins of heraldry lie in
the need to distinguish participants in combat when their faces were hidden by
iron and steel helmets. Eventually a system of rules developed into the modern
form of heraldry.
The system of bla ...
The latest News From Arms & Badges! |
Date: December 2024 Subject: Medieval Update!
- Our family Coat of Arms has been expanded to over 35,000 surnames.
- Check out our new Celtic Radio Store containing a wealth of new heraldry products.
- Our online game called 'Medieval Kingdom' has gone live!
Any suggestions please let us know!
Proverbs of the Moment
Gaelic Proverbs come primarily from the western Highlands and Islands of Scotland, and they have a distinctly rural or agricultural flavor which reflects
the society from which they were gathered. It is to be expected that many of them pertain to the weather, to the planting of crops, and to country life
in general. Others reflect the Gaelic love of company and hospitality, fear of poverty and laziness.
Gaelic Proverb: Na tarraing mi gun adhbhar, ’s na pill mi gun chliu.
English Translation: Neither draw me without cause, nor return me without honour.
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The English word "Germany" derives from Latin name Germania. The name "Germania" came into
use after Julius Caesar adopted it from a Gallic term for the peoples east of the Rhine that probably mean.....
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